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Chakra Rebalancing & Cleansing

The word ‘chakra’ is sanscrit for ‘disc’ or ‘wheel’ and it is believed that there are numerous chakra energy points in the body, which all correspond to different physical, mental and spiritual functions. The chakras are constantly spinning and vibrating but can become unbalanced, leading to a person feeling ‘out of sorts’. The more balanced our chakras are, the better we feel in ourselves. Thus, if you are feeling ‘under the weather’ and you can’t pinpoint anything in particular, you may benefit from a Chakra Rebalancing and Cleansing. During the treatment, the chakras will be scanned using a pendulum to discover any blockages and imbalances. Reiki will then be used to rebalance them. Once the equilibrium of the chakras is restored, the client will receive a full-body Reiki treatment to promote healing and a sense of well-being. Treatments typically last 60 – 75 minutes.


Chakra Rebalancing and Cleansing is a complementary therapy. Medical advice should always be sought from a doctor.

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